
Baysonghor Shahnameh (Image 1) شاهنامه بایسُنغُری

Library: Islamoriente

Style Period: School of Herat

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Extracts Available From This Image:


Soldier with Golden Armor, Archery, Arrows, Sword and Shield

Human | Soldier

  Soldier with Golden Armor, Archery, Arrows, Sword and Shield.png


Soldier with Golden Armor, Arrows, Archery, Sword, Holding a Plate

Human | Soldier

  Soldier with Golden Armor, Arrows, Archery, Sword, Holding a Plate.png


Killing a Soldier with a Dagger

Human | Soldier

  Killing a Soldier with a Dagger.png


Killing a Soldier with a Dagger

Human | Soldier

  Killing a Soldier with a Dagger.png


Standing Soldier With a Shield, Sword, and Spear from the backside

Human | Soldier

  Standing Soldier With a Shield, Sword, and Spear from the backside.png


Two Soldiers with Golden Armor and Swords

Human | Soldier

  Two Soldiers with Golden Armor and Swords.png


Soldier Holding Flag Standing Near Horses

Human | Soldier

  Soldier Holding Flag Standing Near Horses.png


Helmet Falling on the Ground

Object | Uncategorized

  Helmet Falling on the Ground.png



Animal | Bird


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